What is “constraints-led learning,” exactly?
It’s a training method that puts an object (constraint) in a position that forces you to complete the task correctly – or risk crashing into the object.
In the case of the Blue Brick, the object is an alignment stick, or multiple sticks depending on the task you’re setting up for.
(FYI – Two collapsible alignment sticks are included with the Blue Brick.)
For instance, let’s say you’re working to shallow out your downswing.
When you place a stick in the shallowing slot, your club will smack the stick if you’re too steep or over the top.
You don’t want to hit the stick, of course, so you adjust your swing to get the club beneath it.
Repeat this motion enough times and before you know it…
You groove a swing that shallows the club automatically.
The Blue Brick also taps constraints-led learning to train an inside swing path, a downward angle of attack for shots off the turf, square divots, a pure putting path and more.
Do you know the biggest difference between good and bad ball strikers? The ability to “shallow” the shaft on the downswing, which puts your club on an inside-to-out path for greater power and accuracy while eliminating a slice. The Blue Brick has three settings for shallowing different clubs, and each setting tells you exactly where the correct angle lies. Simply practice swinging under the shallowing line and you’ll see quick yet lasting improvement.
The Blue Brick’s “Angle of Attack” and “Wedge Impact Position” settings are designed to get your hands ahead of the ball and the shaft leaning forward as you make contact – the key to compressing the ball against the clubface. Compression creates the backspin and penetrating ball flight needed to control approach shots, leading to more greens in regulation (and smaller misses on your less-than-perfect swings).
A quick look at a golfer’s divots can tell you a lot about their swing. For example, some divots point well left of target and are too deep, meaning their swing is steep and over-the-top. The pros’ divots, on the other hand, tend to be shallow, uniform in width and pointed at the target. The Blue Brick’s “Square Divots” and “Angle of Attack” settings train you to swing the clubhead through impact with precision – which you’ll see reflected in your shots.
It may be golf’s simplest fundamental – yet few recreational golfers get it consistently right. The Blue Brick’s three “Alignment” settings can help any golfer, no matter their handicap, get their feet and clubface lined up perfectly while nailing the equally important basic of ball position.
Co-founder and Master Instructor at Top Speed Golf, Clay Ballard has earned a massive following of recreational golfers with his plain-spoken yet highly effective teaching methods.
Clay boasts a YouTube audience larger than those of the Golf Channel, Golf Digest and Golf Magazine combined.
He’s also created numerous best-selling online instructional courses for Top Speed Golf, including the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix, the 20 Minute Distance Fix and the Ball Striking Masterclass. Clay played professional golf before launching his coaching career, and was recently named one of Golf Digest’s Top Instructors in Florida.
"I've been teaching golf forever. But I am really a student and teacher of biomechanics. I have always enjoyed studying the best players of all sports. I've been addicted to golf since my first 18 holes at twelve years old."
Clay Ballard